Meditation, Manifestation

Our meditation consults, classes, and personalized instruction serve to soothe your spirit, relax your body and calm your mind.

The following numerous health benefits of guided meditation have been significantly proven to:

  • Reduce stress

  • Lower blood pressure and heart rate

  • Reduce anxiety and depression

  • Improve sleep

  • And much more

Our clients consider this mind cleansing to be great therapy and clients often receive their own messages from the other side or from their spiritual guides while in meditation sessions. Meditation cleanses and focuses your mind and serves to keep you grounded throughout life’s most difficult times.


The principle of manifestation through the Law of Attraction is that you channel the power of your mind’s intentions using a variety of tools. We teach you how to channel your thoughts, redirect what is blocking your progress, and shift your energy. We align you to harness your powerful mind to achieve all the things in your life that you desire.

Meditation, Manifestation services available by:

  • Phone

  • Skype

  • Zoom

Contact us for an appointment.

Our services offer spiritual and intuitive guidance while respecting the power of your free will. They should not be substituted for legal, medical or financial advice.